mom, i don't know how well i can do this. i've been talking about it with people at work and even hilary, who grew up here, says its hard. that doesn't bode well! and rick said he would have the same problem as me. i just want to do everything! if only i could figure out teleportation or how to be in two places at once.
i tried though! i said no to an activity earlier this week. and once i got home and i immediately regretted it. it was SOOO awesome and now i can't go bad and do it :( i think i'll survive. barely.
i went to crossfit again and ran there at 6:30 in the morning. i sat in bed for about 10 minutes debating whether or not to go since it was still dark out and i could get attacked. but then i figured most of the crazies are out in the wee hours when people are likely to be drunk and so should be asleep by now. it wasn't that scary, until i ran past a whole bunch of caskets! wtf! guess i won't be taking that route again. i didn't realize it but there are a bunch of casket warehouses on this one block. luckily, i think that means they weren't full of dead bodies yet.
i figured i could protect myself with my keys. like make them into makeshift brass knuckles. i guess i should take some mace with me next time also. if i make i hold it in my hands as i run i doubt i'll get attacked. or i suppose next time i'll say no.
the candy in the office is a bad thing. i've developed a fancy for chocolate covered pretzels. i can't get enough! its worse than my addiction to dried apricots. i found i can get then mailed to my house every week but i dont want to give in because then i will just sit and eat a whole bag once they come. today i ate 3 or 4 kit-kats and a handful of other candy bars. it is so hard to say no when the delicious morsels are kept right next to the water, and you guys know how much i drink water. i think i need to create an incentive program to keep from eating whole packages. every time i say no to candy, i get a candy?
still no a-list celebrity sitings :( but apparently michelle williams lives in my neighborhood! guess i gotta get out more and stop saying no!
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