Saturday, October 22, 2011

making friends, oh yeah!

i have taken the advice so many of you have given and this week i made sleep my priority. it worked out pretty well; if i had to give myself a grade it would be a B :) its so hard when everyone is super nice and there is ALWAYS something (if not ten somethings) to do!

amazingly, the last three nights i've come across open bars. the latest one was at a machine learning symposium. i didn't know anyone but i hung out in a corner by myself trying to look amused. everyone there were super geeky and i could have been really stressed out but instead i just accepted the fact that i am awkward and didn't get stressed out. ftw.

i then went to times square to kill some time and that place it weird at night. i mean, the mcdonalds has lights and there are TONS of tourists and i don't quite understand what you do there. it looked like all the places to eat were not good (ie planet hollywood) but then again, i didn't try it.

i met up with rick's bff, stevie and when i was in the wrong bar, i got invited to a metal concert! lol. he is awesome (thanks rick!) and i had a good time with him and his posse. i also met up with mark and a few of his friends at the brooklyn social (very awesome bar, cute bartenders, close to me and def going back :)

on thursday, i went with a bunch of work ppl to a startup demo event. we went to support findings which is part of betaworks (bitly's parent company). check it out! there are a few people that are new to bitly and are around my age so we have been hanging out (yes!) but i feel like i dont want to overwhelm them with my availability. so far it hasn't been a problem.

i still haven't seen a celebrity :( maybe that's because i'm too adjusted to walking quickly with my eyes down. and i take the subway everywhere *love*.

speaking of blogging, there has been a lot of discussion about privacy and the internet. one of the best metaphors i've come across is the kitty in a chicken suit. the kitten is who you are (what you click) and the chicken is who you want others to see you as (what you post). also, thoughts about the permanence of information, eg a permanent, widely available journal. i remember i stopped journaling as a kid because i would always go back and correct things that i didn't believe anymore and i was SUPER embarrassed by it. but now all that can't be hidden (ie facebook). it would be ok except for we all want jobs and dont want our employers to see who we were 5 years ago. do people actually change? oh wait, matt describes it all WAY better than me here.


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