mom, i don't know how well i can do this. i've been talking about it with people at work and even hilary, who grew up here, says its hard. that doesn't bode well! and rick said he would have the same problem as me. i just want to do everything! if only i could figure out teleportation or how to be in two places at once.
i tried though! i said no to an activity earlier this week. and once i got home and i immediately regretted it. it was SOOO awesome and now i can't go bad and do it :( i think i'll survive. barely.
i went to crossfit again and ran there at 6:30 in the morning. i sat in bed for about 10 minutes debating whether or not to go since it was still dark out and i could get attacked. but then i figured most of the crazies are out in the wee hours when people are likely to be drunk and so should be asleep by now. it wasn't that scary, until i ran past a whole bunch of caskets! wtf! guess i won't be taking that route again. i didn't realize it but there are a bunch of casket warehouses on this one block. luckily, i think that means they weren't full of dead bodies yet.
i figured i could protect myself with my keys. like make them into makeshift brass knuckles. i guess i should take some mace with me next time also. if i make i hold it in my hands as i run i doubt i'll get attacked. or i suppose next time i'll say no.
the candy in the office is a bad thing. i've developed a fancy for chocolate covered pretzels. i can't get enough! its worse than my addiction to dried apricots. i found i can get then mailed to my house every week but i dont want to give in because then i will just sit and eat a whole bag once they come. today i ate 3 or 4 kit-kats and a handful of other candy bars. it is so hard to say no when the delicious morsels are kept right next to the water, and you guys know how much i drink water. i think i need to create an incentive program to keep from eating whole packages. every time i say no to candy, i get a candy?
still no a-list celebrity sitings :( but apparently michelle williams lives in my neighborhood! guess i gotta get out more and stop saying no!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
fyi, i'm writing this post while listening to flynt flossy so it might be a little scattered (also, if anyone wants to buy me the shirt he wears about himself, i will wear it EVERYDAY. pinky swear).
this weekend i focused on two things: sleep and working out. i went to crossfit finally and it was GREAT. the people that run the gym are super nice and friendly. almost like byron and caitlin from eugene but no one will ever replace them. i also did the bridge runners saturday run which my new friend kristine told me about. i was nervous because they are sponsored nike and meet up at this super posh nike stadium (its just a store, i think?) but turned out to be a bunch of cool, friendly people with a variety of backgrounds of running and i didn't have to run really fast. i ended up bailing before the end to check out occupy wall street, though. guess i'll just have to go back! (i don't know if i should talk about ows here as my thoughts are probably very fickle - we'll see.)
(now listening to lmfao on pandora. this is for everyone who asks me what kind of music i listen too. i answer: shitty music. i've been told many times, mostly by my friend from grad school hilary, that i don't know the meaning of ironic. i just like to think i take joy in ridiculously atrocious things.)
i also went on a running 'date' with that guy from dwb. i'm guessing its a date because we had some really awkward hugs. like you guys would guess otherwise. he didn't try kissing me or anything so maybe we are just friends? i did forget that i'm not supposed to eat chocolate on dates because we got some cookie ice cream sandwiches and i ended up with chocolate ALL OVER my face, hands, you name it. i'm like a little kid, just smashing the sugar into my mouth. grahohahha. the metaphor is even better than i thought, because then the sugar high comes and i start jumping up and down and getting distracted by shiny things. (oh yeah, i've given up on giving up gluten and gone back to three desserts a day. worth it.)
anyways, we ran a bit around central park and wandered around manhattan looking at other squares and parks. i finally left because i realized i'd been walking around in my running clothes for close to 5 hours and probably looked and smelled like a greasy pig.
oh man, the best subway encouter yet happened on my way home. the f train took FOREVER but was well worth the wait. when it came, i was about to go into a car when i realized a really beautiful man. so naturally i started towards the car he wasn't in but then i took a second look because he was really a sight to see and i realized i knew him! it was cameron, who i went to third grade with! i had a crush on him then and still do. he is gorgeous and an artist. a really great artist. thank goodness i'm more confident than i used to be because i made a beeline for him (he accused me of stalking him because it seemed like i knew he was going to be there) and tried to make conversation (ie i just stared and tried to hug him). he said we should trade numbers online. gosh! i really hope we hang out :)
and now i need to get some beauty sleep for my third week at bitly! go team!
this weekend i focused on two things: sleep and working out. i went to crossfit finally and it was GREAT. the people that run the gym are super nice and friendly. almost like byron and caitlin from eugene but no one will ever replace them. i also did the bridge runners saturday run which my new friend kristine told me about. i was nervous because they are sponsored nike and meet up at this super posh nike stadium (its just a store, i think?) but turned out to be a bunch of cool, friendly people with a variety of backgrounds of running and i didn't have to run really fast. i ended up bailing before the end to check out occupy wall street, though. guess i'll just have to go back! (i don't know if i should talk about ows here as my thoughts are probably very fickle - we'll see.)
(now listening to lmfao on pandora. this is for everyone who asks me what kind of music i listen too. i answer: shitty music. i've been told many times, mostly by my friend from grad school hilary, that i don't know the meaning of ironic. i just like to think i take joy in ridiculously atrocious things.)
i also went on a running 'date' with that guy from dwb. i'm guessing its a date because we had some really awkward hugs. like you guys would guess otherwise. he didn't try kissing me or anything so maybe we are just friends? i did forget that i'm not supposed to eat chocolate on dates because we got some cookie ice cream sandwiches and i ended up with chocolate ALL OVER my face, hands, you name it. i'm like a little kid, just smashing the sugar into my mouth. grahohahha. the metaphor is even better than i thought, because then the sugar high comes and i start jumping up and down and getting distracted by shiny things. (oh yeah, i've given up on giving up gluten and gone back to three desserts a day. worth it.)
anyways, we ran a bit around central park and wandered around manhattan looking at other squares and parks. i finally left because i realized i'd been walking around in my running clothes for close to 5 hours and probably looked and smelled like a greasy pig.
oh man, the best subway encouter yet happened on my way home. the f train took FOREVER but was well worth the wait. when it came, i was about to go into a car when i realized a really beautiful man. so naturally i started towards the car he wasn't in but then i took a second look because he was really a sight to see and i realized i knew him! it was cameron, who i went to third grade with! i had a crush on him then and still do. he is gorgeous and an artist. a really great artist. thank goodness i'm more confident than i used to be because i made a beeline for him (he accused me of stalking him because it seemed like i knew he was going to be there) and tried to make conversation (ie i just stared and tried to hug him). he said we should trade numbers online. gosh! i really hope we hang out :)
and now i need to get some beauty sleep for my third week at bitly! go team!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
making friends, oh yeah!
i have taken the advice so many of you have given and this week i made sleep my priority. it worked out pretty well; if i had to give myself a grade it would be a B :) its so hard when everyone is super nice and there is ALWAYS something (if not ten somethings) to do!
amazingly, the last three nights i've come across open bars. the latest one was at a machine learning symposium. i didn't know anyone but i hung out in a corner by myself trying to look amused. everyone there were super geeky and i could have been really stressed out but instead i just accepted the fact that i am awkward and didn't get stressed out. ftw.
i then went to times square to kill some time and that place it weird at night. i mean, the mcdonalds has lights and there are TONS of tourists and i don't quite understand what you do there. it looked like all the places to eat were not good (ie planet hollywood) but then again, i didn't try it.
i met up with rick's bff, stevie and when i was in the wrong bar, i got invited to a metal concert! lol. he is awesome (thanks rick!) and i had a good time with him and his posse. i also met up with mark and a few of his friends at the brooklyn social (very awesome bar, cute bartenders, close to me and def going back :)
on thursday, i went with a bunch of work ppl to a startup demo event. we went to support findings which is part of betaworks (bitly's parent company). check it out! there are a few people that are new to bitly and are around my age so we have been hanging out (yes!) but i feel like i dont want to overwhelm them with my availability. so far it hasn't been a problem.
i still haven't seen a celebrity :( maybe that's because i'm too adjusted to walking quickly with my eyes down. and i take the subway everywhere *love*.
speaking of blogging, there has been a lot of discussion about privacy and the internet. one of the best metaphors i've come across is the kitty in a chicken suit. the kitten is who you are (what you click) and the chicken is who you want others to see you as (what you post). also, thoughts about the permanence of information, eg a permanent, widely available journal. i remember i stopped journaling as a kid because i would always go back and correct things that i didn't believe anymore and i was SUPER embarrassed by it. but now all that can't be hidden (ie facebook). it would be ok except for we all want jobs and dont want our employers to see who we were 5 years ago. do people actually change? oh wait, matt describes it all WAY better than me here.
amazingly, the last three nights i've come across open bars. the latest one was at a machine learning symposium. i didn't know anyone but i hung out in a corner by myself trying to look amused. everyone there were super geeky and i could have been really stressed out but instead i just accepted the fact that i am awkward and didn't get stressed out. ftw.
i then went to times square to kill some time and that place it weird at night. i mean, the mcdonalds has lights and there are TONS of tourists and i don't quite understand what you do there. it looked like all the places to eat were not good (ie planet hollywood) but then again, i didn't try it.
i met up with rick's bff, stevie and when i was in the wrong bar, i got invited to a metal concert! lol. he is awesome (thanks rick!) and i had a good time with him and his posse. i also met up with mark and a few of his friends at the brooklyn social (very awesome bar, cute bartenders, close to me and def going back :)
on thursday, i went with a bunch of work ppl to a startup demo event. we went to support findings which is part of betaworks (bitly's parent company). check it out! there are a few people that are new to bitly and are around my age so we have been hanging out (yes!) but i feel like i dont want to overwhelm them with my availability. so far it hasn't been a problem.
i still haven't seen a celebrity :( maybe that's because i'm too adjusted to walking quickly with my eyes down. and i take the subway everywhere *love*.
speaking of blogging, there has been a lot of discussion about privacy and the internet. one of the best metaphors i've come across is the kitty in a chicken suit. the kitten is who you are (what you click) and the chicken is who you want others to see you as (what you post). also, thoughts about the permanence of information, eg a permanent, widely available journal. i remember i stopped journaling as a kid because i would always go back and correct things that i didn't believe anymore and i was SUPER embarrassed by it. but now all that can't be hidden (ie facebook). it would be ok except for we all want jobs and dont want our employers to see who we were 5 years ago. do people actually change? oh wait, matt describes it all WAY better than me here.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
yeah, i know you were waiting for these :)
ok, here is a stupid picture of an olympian speed skater holding his medals!!!!!1!!!
yeah, i got to hold them also!
when i went to comic-con, i hung out at the sword booths for awhile and decided on this cleaver for my future collection. i also want some of those colored contact lenses. wouldn't that be fun? and non-permanent!
this is for cassie. she showed me how in sweden, people knit cozies for handrails and such. here is an artistic zip-tie interpretation:

when i finally went running, i took these sweet pictures:

ok, here is a stupid picture of an olympian speed skater holding his medals!!!!!1!!!

when i finally went running, i took these sweet pictures:
ie epic fail (just another day for me)
you've probably heard about how i was going to see this 'interactive play' tonight, sleep no more. everyone in the office is talking about it. even today, although they all saw it a week ago. i have nothing better to do, so i bought tickets and headed out there today. now, i wasn't in the best mental state to begin with. i had a day full of awkwardness, mostly when talking to people. like, when someone mentions that i'm tall. thanks. i know this. and i know people won't stop commenting on it but i never have a good response. i thought of one, after the fact of course, and that is that i am intimidated by tall people (true! i tried sitting at a party and i got super nervous around how tall everyone was.). i usually say 'thanks, i tried really hard' and it gets a few laughs, but maybe that is snide?
anyways, back to this super awesome play where you get chased by actors. i wanted to bail. i wanted to go home, sit in bed, cut bits of my hair, and catch up on gossip girl. but no, i told myself that i should do it because i spent money on it and who cares if i don't have anyone to go with! i'm awesome all by myself. i just have to be confident and have fun. its not scary at all! well, things didn't bode well when i got in line. everyone with with someone :( but i toughed it out, and went to coat check. and tried to check in (get my ticket), and they couldn't find my name. obviously i had the wrong day. it was embarrassing. my reservation was for in a month. holy cow! how did i mess that up?!? my only saving thought as i walked past everyone to get my bag and leave was that i didn't know anyone and i would never see any of these people EVER again. snd then i got to do what i wanted to do! and gossip girl was amazing :)
some better things that happened today:
- i saw them tape scenes for Law & Order: SVU! yeah, i totes saw mariska.
- rite aid carries the type of protein powder AND hair spray i like!
- i used a brand spanking new towel. it was luxurious.
you've probably heard about how i was going to see this 'interactive play' tonight, sleep no more. everyone in the office is talking about it. even today, although they all saw it a week ago. i have nothing better to do, so i bought tickets and headed out there today. now, i wasn't in the best mental state to begin with. i had a day full of awkwardness, mostly when talking to people. like, when someone mentions that i'm tall. thanks. i know this. and i know people won't stop commenting on it but i never have a good response. i thought of one, after the fact of course, and that is that i am intimidated by tall people (true! i tried sitting at a party and i got super nervous around how tall everyone was.). i usually say 'thanks, i tried really hard' and it gets a few laughs, but maybe that is snide?
anyways, back to this super awesome play where you get chased by actors. i wanted to bail. i wanted to go home, sit in bed, cut bits of my hair, and catch up on gossip girl. but no, i told myself that i should do it because i spent money on it and who cares if i don't have anyone to go with! i'm awesome all by myself. i just have to be confident and have fun. its not scary at all! well, things didn't bode well when i got in line. everyone with with someone :( but i toughed it out, and went to coat check. and tried to check in (get my ticket), and they couldn't find my name. obviously i had the wrong day. it was embarrassing. my reservation was for in a month. holy cow! how did i mess that up?!? my only saving thought as i walked past everyone to get my bag and leave was that i didn't know anyone and i would never see any of these people EVER again. snd then i got to do what i wanted to do! and gossip girl was amazing :)
some better things that happened today:
- i saw them tape scenes for Law & Order: SVU! yeah, i totes saw mariska.
- rite aid carries the type of protein powder AND hair spray i like!
- i used a brand spanking new towel. it was luxurious.
Monday, October 17, 2011
data without borders
here is a fun picture showing the height differences at dwb. the tall one is drew who was one of the hosts of the event, and the short one is max who writes the okcupid blogs :)
drew vs. max here's a pic of the boy that i went to moma with. he's canadian, likes to sail and run, and totally says 'aboot':
something he did when he worked at fb:
fun ones of me, lol
Sunday, October 16, 2011
here are some ideas i'll flesh out later:
-how to walk around, ie eye contact & talking to strangers
-my goals (still testing)
-tech in ny
-how to walk around, ie eye contact & talking to strangers
-my goals (still testing)
-tech in ny
week one - finally!
the past week has felt at least twice as long. there is TONS to do here and i haven't had anytime to get household stuff. here is a summary of what has happened and my noticings:
monday: all i can say is, thank god for car service AND that it was a holiday. when i got to the apartment (early morning), hilary was still moving stuff out of her room! i felt horrible. i guess she won't get the keys to her new place for another week or so. she left a bed and drawers for me which is super duper nice. i was expecting to sleep on the floor, covered in all the clothes i brought! after a good, long 4 hr nap I went to the meatpacking district and checked out the sweet office digs. and then went to IGNITE where i met a bunch of really smart techies and hear some even awesomer talks. so much brain power! since then, i've realized how much i need to watch myself around people and be open (ie not have a bad face when i'm zoning out). i never know who i'll run into again or what someone does! like, i met the guy who writes the fantastic blog posts at okcupid. he is super fun.
note: my first ride on the subway involved getting chatted up by an older man with dirty hands (said he was an engineer or something) who ended up following me all the way to my stop and attempting to hug me! he told me not to be scared of hugs. yeah, right.
tuesday: work! oh wait, but before that i went to glamour magazine! hilary was in a panel discussion and she invited me along. it was super swank, in the conde nast building at times square and so many bright women. plus i got some swag :) work was great! i have so so so so SO much to learn. but i'm very excited. its like the time i went to china and stayed at work all day BECAUSE I WANTED TO. i even stayed up all night i was so pumped. that and i learned that the new york comic-con was in 2 days!
wednesday: got into work late because i overslept. everyone thought they had scared me away! lol. but i did miss the bagels that day :( my new roommates, alicia and adam, took me out to dinner. we also went to farmacy. it is a FABULOUS dessert/soda shoppe that alicia calls narwal. i'm going to eat there every night. omg.
thursday: found a ticket to comic con! and had bagels! went shopping for food finally :) yay for trader joes.
friday: went to a database/information retrieval conference at google. THEY HAVE A FIREMENS LADDER BETWEEN FLOORS! don't worry. i used it. and i took a bunch of their free food and snacks. after, i ran to comic-con and blissed out for a full 30 minutes. sweet mother of pearl that was fun. i was asked why i didn't have a costume on, because apparently i would be a perfect wonder women. but i had to leave to attend the start of a data analyzing party :) yeah, ny is THAT perfect.
saturday: data stuff! free food and all the messy, dirty data anyone could ever want. they had some really neat projects but i stuck with one concerning global wellness with the UN. i ditched after 10 hrs to help my roommates and upstairs neighbors throw a pony kegger. the upstairs neighbors are super nice. two of them were speed skaters (both in the olympics but only one has medals - which i touched). the party was great! i met a space lawyer and lots of techy geeks AND other randos. new yorkers are all very nice! and interesting.
note: i tried inviting a colleague from work to the party on friday but i had way too much coffee and put my foot in my mouth. hard. 'hey you should come to my party, but i'm only inviting you because i'm super caffeinated'. i am such a jerk.
sunday: willed myself to the data thing after very, very little sleep. good thing i dressed prepared to go to comic-con afterwards, ie basically i looked like a trench coat wearing tramp. it worked though! after the presentations of what people did over the weekend, i got invited to look at someone's code with them at a coffee shop (i know, i'm a nerd) and we ended up getting lunch and going to MOMA together. in my costume. i think i hid it pretty well. he was probably suspicious about why i never took off my jacket even though it was warm out. and after all this, i didn't know how to tell him i was going home so i said i had to get on a different train when we were in the subway (which was true btws), mumbled something about how we should check out another museum or go running together, hugged him, and quickly walked away. i wouldn't say it was running. maybe a midget would run that fast but whatever. we'll see what happens :)
overall, i've had very little sleep but am not cranky! i've become a coffee drinker instead. i'm hoping (also not hoping) that i will get more sleep this next week (i like all the fun things to do and lessons to learn). further updates will most likely be less detailed!
monday: all i can say is, thank god for car service AND that it was a holiday. when i got to the apartment (early morning), hilary was still moving stuff out of her room! i felt horrible. i guess she won't get the keys to her new place for another week or so. she left a bed and drawers for me which is super duper nice. i was expecting to sleep on the floor, covered in all the clothes i brought! after a good, long 4 hr nap I went to the meatpacking district and checked out the sweet office digs. and then went to IGNITE where i met a bunch of really smart techies and hear some even awesomer talks. so much brain power! since then, i've realized how much i need to watch myself around people and be open (ie not have a bad face when i'm zoning out). i never know who i'll run into again or what someone does! like, i met the guy who writes the fantastic blog posts at okcupid. he is super fun.
note: my first ride on the subway involved getting chatted up by an older man with dirty hands (said he was an engineer or something) who ended up following me all the way to my stop and attempting to hug me! he told me not to be scared of hugs. yeah, right.
tuesday: work! oh wait, but before that i went to glamour magazine! hilary was in a panel discussion and she invited me along. it was super swank, in the conde nast building at times square and so many bright women. plus i got some swag :) work was great! i have so so so so SO much to learn. but i'm very excited. its like the time i went to china and stayed at work all day BECAUSE I WANTED TO. i even stayed up all night i was so pumped. that and i learned that the new york comic-con was in 2 days!
wednesday: got into work late because i overslept. everyone thought they had scared me away! lol. but i did miss the bagels that day :( my new roommates, alicia and adam, took me out to dinner. we also went to farmacy. it is a FABULOUS dessert/soda shoppe that alicia calls narwal. i'm going to eat there every night. omg.
thursday: found a ticket to comic con! and had bagels! went shopping for food finally :) yay for trader joes.
friday: went to a database/information retrieval conference at google. THEY HAVE A FIREMENS LADDER BETWEEN FLOORS! don't worry. i used it. and i took a bunch of their free food and snacks. after, i ran to comic-con and blissed out for a full 30 minutes. sweet mother of pearl that was fun. i was asked why i didn't have a costume on, because apparently i would be a perfect wonder women. but i had to leave to attend the start of a data analyzing party :) yeah, ny is THAT perfect.
saturday: data stuff! free food and all the messy, dirty data anyone could ever want. they had some really neat projects but i stuck with one concerning global wellness with the UN. i ditched after 10 hrs to help my roommates and upstairs neighbors throw a pony kegger. the upstairs neighbors are super nice. two of them were speed skaters (both in the olympics but only one has medals - which i touched). the party was great! i met a space lawyer and lots of techy geeks AND other randos. new yorkers are all very nice! and interesting.
note: i tried inviting a colleague from work to the party on friday but i had way too much coffee and put my foot in my mouth. hard. 'hey you should come to my party, but i'm only inviting you because i'm super caffeinated'. i am such a jerk.
sunday: willed myself to the data thing after very, very little sleep. good thing i dressed prepared to go to comic-con afterwards, ie basically i looked like a trench coat wearing tramp. it worked though! after the presentations of what people did over the weekend, i got invited to look at someone's code with them at a coffee shop (i know, i'm a nerd) and we ended up getting lunch and going to MOMA together. in my costume. i think i hid it pretty well. he was probably suspicious about why i never took off my jacket even though it was warm out. and after all this, i didn't know how to tell him i was going home so i said i had to get on a different train when we were in the subway (which was true btws), mumbled something about how we should check out another museum or go running together, hugged him, and quickly walked away. i wouldn't say it was running. maybe a midget would run that fast but whatever. we'll see what happens :)
overall, i've had very little sleep but am not cranky! i've become a coffee drinker instead. i'm hoping (also not hoping) that i will get more sleep this next week (i like all the fun things to do and lessons to learn). further updates will most likely be less detailed!
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