Wednesday, January 25, 2012

food of the future

i've been so lazy lately about eating dinner that i've been eating what my mom calls the 'food of the future' for basically the last week: powdered protein and frozen vegetables. just add water and you are good to go!

apparently, i'm not in the only one doing this. greta AND my mom have been doing the same. we all have a sacred mind meld... or we steal each others ideas :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


i had a cupcake and green TEA today. both for the first time in a while, and i feel like i'm going to die. my eyes hurt, everything is bright, and my head wants to explode from thinking. also, my stomach doesn't feel too good.

let this be a lesson to me!

[edit: MOTHER, the green was green TEA.]

Monday, January 16, 2012

big ol' hippie

that's what new york makes me feel like. where are all the recycling bins on the street?!? why don't people know about CSA?!? and apparently there isn't almond or rice milk at ANY coffee shop. i am going through hippy withdrawals. in eugene, i was inundated with them. it was hard to get away. in eugene, i felt like cartman and talked about those 'damn hippies'. but now i want them. i want my locally sourced, health conscious food. i want every store to talk about going green and the workers to glare at me when i waste excessively.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

text messages

my latest decision about texting is to not think about it. i'm going with my gut and not double going back over what i wrote (unless it could be offensive). its hard not to edit what i say! but hopefully it doesn't matter? ie, this means you all might get some weird/incomprehensible texts :)

weekend plans

things i want to do... and not forget about:

dumplings: (#NYCDumpling)
see if IBM Think is still going on at Lincoln Center
never seen it, still need to:
something else to look at if Think is a fail:

ALSO run (t-minus 2 weeks to marathon)