the biggest thing i've learned this week is that i need to think before i speak. that, and i need to be around my family more because they forgive me for saying highly offensive/derogatory things about people.
i should remember that if i think something i say will need explaining, i shouldn't say it. most times when i talk, i just say words and don't mean any harm with them. either i will have random comments or it will be something i think is funny (which i'm finding out, most people don't. maybe its a west/east coast thing). maybe my family has sheltered me from what people should really say.
i know i joke about coming back from china more of a racist but that isn't a bad thing in my eyes. i now can see where people are coming from and that certain habits are part of their culture and not just to piss me off royally. but then again, i've never been one to be politically correct. i dont see the point. i never have any hate behind what i say. i think it is interesting that there are terms that can NEVER be used except for by certain people in certain contexts.
i dont want to hurt people's feelings! gah. i suppose this is my way of apologizing if i ever seem to be an ass or seem like i'm unthoughtful. and i appreciate it if you tell me that i am; i will respect other people's opinions about these sorts of things and do my best not to piss you off again (unless you really are a dumb-butt and i dont care about you).