Sunday, December 25, 2011

christmas stuff

because i know my mom really wants to see the holiday decorations in new york :) i have the following pics for her

this is DUMBO:
here's just the city at night (when i went on my cold, creepy night run)
this is by where i live:
rockefeller center:
bryant park:

another near where i live:

Friday, December 23, 2011

maui (thanksgiving)

ok ok. i know its not quite thanksgiving, buuuuut this is when i'm finally getting my pictures up :)

i don't know why i don't go to hawaii every holiday because it is AMAZING. like, fabulous. my hardest decisions are whether to go to the beach or to the pool. its tough, because the beach is wonderful and you can swim (or just soak) but the pool is not as hot and they have pool service. rough, i know.

^ the view for bfast at the four seasons

view from the pool at the kea lani

mauna loa shadow


definitely worth getting up at 2am for :)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

vice pile

i decided the best way to watch my sweet intake was to create a pile on my desk of all the candy wrappers i eat in a day. it is definitely deterring. even two little miniature candy wrappers take up a lot of psychological space. and that doesn't even count all the non-wrapped candy i eat :)

which reminds me, i'm going to try to do paleo again in january. or at least semi-paleo if i can't handle not having cottage cheese and yoghurt. plus a full regimen of crossfit. that should help me make up for all the training i haven't done for the miami marathon (i hope!).

Monday, December 12, 2011

case of the mondays

the best part about forgetting my phone at home is that apparently i didn't need it. seriously! i guess i did warn my family and they all got in touch with me in other ways :)

but to think i could be missing SOMETHING was awful. oh well, at least i didn't spend an hour+ going to get it!

to make up for it i'm watching 'cool as ice' because i've watched all the breaking bad i can on netflix.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


apparently it gets really, unbelievably cold in ny in the winter. today i even saw frozen puddles! this means that i need to get an actual coat and not just my super awesome 'wet balloon' jacket and rain slicker.

i've been dabbling with the idea of getting a coat with fur. there are lots of people here who have fur (real and fake) and so it wouldn't be THAT weird, right? and i could just pretend its fake :)

there is this GORGEOUS coat i have my eye on and so i've been having an ethical dilemma about buying it because it is lined with rabbit fur. it is soooo soft and makes me happy and warm (or at least, i'm sure it will). but i've never owned fur before, let alone bought it. i have bought lots of leather stuff (mostly shoes) and thats never made me think twice.

here is the advice i've been given:
- it was probably a 'food rabbit'
- 'they're just rabbits'

but i'm mostly convinced that i can make it my little secret and not let on that its real. so i bought it. i haven't been able to try it on in my size so unless it looks like butt when i get it in the mail, i will probably have a new coat in a week!

teaser of pictures :)

do you see it?!?

in the interest of going to bed soon, i will post only a few pictures.

first off, here are some from the dumpling tour i went on with my coworkers/friends matt, kristine, and summer :)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

worn out my welcome?

so here i am, its 8:19 on a saturday and i'm drinking wine and watching the louis ck special. by myself. its been like this all week. not necessarily the wine and louis ck business but the hanging out by myself doing nothing. its kind of like nothing is going on... or i'm not being invited to things :(

not quite sure. but i guess one week of quiet will do me good, especially after the romp of last weekend (where in i played 'hobo in the park', went to a coworkers birthday, saw a beard competition, ate korean food and wore myself out enough i couldn't stay out to watch a movie sunday night with friends).

for example, last night (a friday), all i did was get my hair cut and then got more than 10 hrs of sleep before frolicking off to eat fish and chips and see the mta transit museum and eat pie. i guess that is a pretty full day.

i've been trying to cajole friends to hang out with me tonight. seems like i'm not hitting the right ones. ie, rick's nyc friends who obvi doesn't have time for me. pshhaah. suppose i'll be off trying to score free drinks off people by looking lonely. jks! i'm meeting up with cameron and devin. they *apparently* know a bartender. we'll see about that!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

uh oh

in the last 24 hours i've figure out some pretty horrible stuff:

1. new york is lacking in 'make your own froyo' shops.
2. i dont have time to keep up with my stories (ie tv).

although, i think i may have found a good place to get juices. yaaaaay.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

GOSSIP GIRL, y u no show me your celebs?

gossip girl was supposed to film in the street outside my office yesterday. instead, they were here today. worst, they filmed in a restaurant.

when i found out they were outside, i didn't know what was going on. my coworker said he would give me $50 if i hugged leighton meester. DEAL. my stalking was not successful though. i only saw extras (boo) and then when i was just hanging out on the steps to my office being nosy, one of the guys pushing the cameras around asked me "why you hiding, girl?". so i ran around the block to use a different entrance.

also, the extras looked like tools and were pretty dog-on ugly. weird. they should have asked me to help out.

Monday, December 5, 2011

bright ideas

turns out, i don't have bright ideas:

yesterday, i hung out with devin and catherine. we ate korean food and thought it was a super awesome idea to get raw meat. right? they brought it out and mixed it up with a raw egg at the table. and then, after we ate some devin said that he didn't want to leave any leftovers, ie we should eat it all? uh, yes? we tried getting them to cook it, no dice. so we let devin take it home :)

also, i've decided i don't like stairs. especially when i have a drink. which is unfortunate considering i take the subway everywhere