so here i am, its 8:19 on a saturday and i'm drinking wine and watching the louis ck special. by myself. its been like this all week. not necessarily the wine and louis ck business but the hanging out by myself doing nothing. its kind of like nothing is going on... or i'm not being invited to things :(
not quite sure. but i guess one week of quiet will do me good, especially after the romp of last weekend (where in i played 'hobo in the park', went to a coworkers birthday, saw a beard competition, ate korean food and wore myself out enough i couldn't stay out to watch a movie sunday night with friends).
for example, last night (a friday), all i did was get my hair cut and then got more than 10 hrs of sleep before frolicking off to eat fish and chips and see the mta transit museum and eat pie. i guess that is a pretty full day.
i've been trying to cajole friends to hang out with me tonight. seems like i'm not hitting the right ones. ie, rick's nyc friends who obvi doesn't have time for me. pshhaah. suppose i'll be off trying to score free drinks off people by looking lonely. jks! i'm meeting up with cameron and devin. they *apparently* know a bartender. we'll see about that!